European Regional Development Fund

Reiseziele  :: Karlskrona


Karlskrona, SE

weather icon 1℃

broken clouds 
Messung: 08/02/2025 18:46
Windstärke 5.73 m/s 0
Bewölkung 71 %
Luftdruck 1035 hpa
Luftfeuchtigkeit 73 %

Karlskrona is a locality and the seat of Karlskrona Municipality, Blekinge County, Sweden with 66,675 inhabitants in 2018. It is also the capital of Blekinge County. Karlskrona is known as Sweden's only baroque city and is host to Sweden's only remaining naval base and the headquarters of the Swedish Coast Guard.


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Quelle der meteorologischen Daten:
Landkartenformat: Klein Mittel Gross